
Should I Attend Cosmetology School?

If you have a passion for hair, facials, nails, and all other things beauty, then a career in cosmetology may be right for you. Here are six questions to consider before enrolling in cosmetology school:

  • Do you enjoy helping people look and feel their best? Whether it is a new haircut, a facial, or a pedicure, people love to be pampered. As a cosmetologist, it can be very rewarding to help your clients see themselves in a new way and change their outlook. 
  • Do you want a career that allows you to express your creativity? There are always new hair and makeup styles and beauty trends to study and master. You may find a sense of pride and accomplishment when achieving the desired result for your client.
  • Do you love to connect with people? In the salon, you’ll have the opportunity to talk to your clients and get to know them. You may even connect on a personal level. It can be gratifying to regularly meet new people and potentially make new friends.
  • Do you want a job where you’re not stuck at a computer? Cosmetologists are almost always on their feet working on their clients’ hair, nails, and makeup. There aren’t many dull moments when working in the salon, especially when you have a booked schedule of clients.
  • Do you want to own a salon or work out of your home? Cosmetology school will not only teach you how to help make your clients look beautiful, but it will also teach you the basics of salon management. These skills will enable you to manage your own salon or even potentially work out of your home as an independent stylist.
  • Do you want to want to work in the beauty industry, but aren’t sure what you’ll like most? Because cosmetology school allows you to learn the basic foundations of hair, nails, and facials, you get the opportunity to learn which area you enjoy the most. You may find that you prefer doing hair more than facials or nails. Whatever you decide to focus on professionally as your expertise, you’ll be prepared for entry-level employment in all those areas.

What You’ll Learn in Cosmetology School

The Cosmetology Program at Midwest Technical Institute offers students classroom and hands-on training in a wide variety of beauty skills, including:

  • Theory and skills in haircutting, hairstyling, and hair coloring
  • Education in nails, including manicuring, pedicuring, and advanced nail services
  • Training in skin care, including specialized facials, masks, and manual care
  • Working knowledge of industry hygiene, sanitation, and disinfection practices
  • Salon management, including business practices, customer relations, and sales

What Cosmetology School Prepares You For

After graduating from cosmetology school, students will earn a diploma and have the skills required by many entry-level jobs in the beauty industry. This may include a career as a hair stylist, image consultant, nail technician, esthetician, salon manager, or other professional career in cosmetology. But first, beauty school students must meet the requirements for a state cosmetology license. The Cosmetology Program at MTI prepares students to earn their license in Illinois or Missouri.To earn a cosmetology license, you must complete 1,500 hours in a cosmetology program from an accredited, state-licensed cosmetology school. The beauty skills you’ll learn in MTI’s classroom and the hands-on experience with clients in the school’s salon will help prepare you for the state licensing exams (both written and skills tests).[4]

Cosmetology School at Midwest Technical Institute

At MTI, the cosmetology training program provides students instruction on all of the current styles, trends, and techniques in hair and skincare, makeup, nail care and design, and more. Under the guidance of instructors, MTI students will work with real clients in a professional salon setting. MTI offers the Cosmetology Program at our Moline (Quad Cities), IL campus and our Springfield, MO campus. Daytime and evening classes are available in MTI’s Cosmetology Program.*

To learn more about MTI’s Cosmetology Program and to request more information, contact the Admissions Team.

