As a show of support for our local community high school sports, Midwest Technical Institute (MTI) is proud to be an official sponsor of WAND TV’s Athlete of the Week.
The High School Athlete of the Week program will recognize players who are stars both on and off the field. Student athletes from the Central Illinois region and WAND TV viewing area will be nominated by coaches, athletic directors, sports fans, etc. for this honor. Winners of Athlete of the Week will be announced each Friday night during sports on Friday 10pm News beginning September 2021 through May 2022.
Do you know an athlete who excels both on and off the field? To nominate a student athlete, please send a detailed list of his/her accolades to Mark Pearson at mpearson@wandtv.com.
MTI will also feature the weekly winners here in this post, so be sure to check back.
Congratulations to the MTI and WAND Athlete of the Week Winners:
- Week 1: The Adams Brothers, Football, Mt. Zion High School (Watch MTI’s interview with Matthias!)
- Week 2: Juju Mize, Volleyball, Lutheran School Association (LSA) Decatur
- Week 3: Yaiza Nieto, Volleyball, Meridian High School
- Week 4: Marissa Snearly, Volleyball, Central A&M High School (Watch MTI’s interview with Marissa!)
- Week 5: Peyton Webster, Football, Springfield High School
- Week 6: Christian Schanefelt, Soccer, Warrensburg-Latham High School (Watch MTI’s interview with Christian!)
- Week 7: Grace Buxton, Volleyball, St. Teresa High School
- Week 8: Cale Smith, Eisenhower High School, Cross Country
- Week 9: Brylan Apholone, MacArthur High School, Football
- Week 10: KeShon Singleton, Sacred Heart-Griffin, Football
- Week 11: Lauren Buxton, Pleasant Plains, Volleyball
- Week 12: Seth Parkinson, Rochester High School, Football
- Week 13: Tre Spence, St. Teresa High School, Football
- Week 14: Blake Kimball, Unity High School, Football
- Week 15: Diavian “DD” Mehundrew, Southeast High School (Watch MTI’s interview with DD!)
- Week 16: Connor Brown, Cerro Gordo/Bement (CGB) High School
- Week 17: Zaryis Jenkins, Eisenhower High School
- Week 18: Billy Guyse, St. Teresa High School
- Week 19: Cale Roley, Okaw Valley High School
- Week 20: Sophia Kremitzki, Tuscola High School
- Week 21: Jack Kramer, St. Teresa High School