
How Long is Cosmetology School?

Are you interested in becoming a cosmetologist? Are you wondering how long cosmetology school will take?

Cosmetology, the professional trade of hair, nail, and skin beautification, is known for helping individuals look and feel their best. But before cosmetologists can begin working with clients, they’ll need training to earn their cosmetology license.

The MTI Cosmetology Program prepares students to work in the cosmetology industry by teaching the skills needed to get licensed and launch an entry-level career in cosmetology.

How Long is Cosmetology School?

Trade training typically offers shorter program lengths than a typical four-year degree. Even if a student attends trade school part-time, they’ll most likely finish their training before they could finish a full-time four-year degree course load.

Read “Trade School vs College: A Guide to Weighing Your Options” to decide if trade school is right for you.

Plus, shorter programs mean students don’t waste time in classes that are unrelated to their degrees, like English or biology, and instead are focused on career-related courses. Trade schools may offer daytime and evening class schedules to fit into busy students’ lives.

To learn more about cosmetology training, check out “What Are the Pros and Cons of Going to School for Cosmetology?

What Should I Expect from MTI Cosmetology Program?

While cosmetology may often be considered a creative field, it is a trade that requires education and training.Read “Why Is Cosmetology Considered a Trade?” to learn more. The MTI Cosmetology Program provides students with the knowledge necessary for an entry-level career in the beauty industry, including the following:

  • Hair care and styling. Students will be taught how to master cutting, styling, and coloring for all types of hair with classes on hair care and various products. Students will also attend lessons focused on shaving.
  • Skin care. Students will be well versed in skin care products, learning how to properly tweeze unwanted hairs and conduct cleansing facials.
  • At cosmetology school, students will learn how to apply trendy makeup looks like contouring and dramatic smoky eye looks. Students will learn about brush care and have the opportunity to experiment with pigments.
  • Manicures and pedicures. Students will learn proper techniques for manicures and pedicures, like massaging and grooming. Plus, they’ll be able to experiment with nail shapes and different polishes during training.
  • Salon management. MTI’s program also teaches basic business skills so students can learn customer relations and salon management.
  • Rules and regulations. Students will learn applicable laws, rules, and regulations for their state.
  • The science of beautificationStudents will learn how and why to use particular products and techniques, and acquire a better understanding of any associated risks that come with improper procedure.

With courses spanning 13, 16, and 17 months,* MTI offers day and evening classes* at the Springfield, MO and Moline (Quad Cities), IL campuses for cosmetology.*

Talk to the MTI Admissions Team to learn more about the Cosmetology Program.

To learn more about cosmetology school, read “Is Cosmetology School Worth It in 2018?